xxl 1441–1680
xl 1281–1440
lg 1025–1280
md 811–1024
sm 571-810
xs 476-570
xxs <= 475
skills skills

Real-Time 3D Configurators

Intuitive Sales Support for Revenue Growth

High-quality 3D product configurators have been proven to increase online shop sales. This is because they allow users to interactively customize products and create their personalized desired item. Our 3D product configurators can be flexibly integrated as an extension for existing shops or as standalone solutions, such as desktop apps or mobile applications.

Your Customized 3D Configurator in 4 Steps

Content &
User Experience

We start with a detailed analysis of your requirements and develop initial concepts for intuitive user guidance together with you.


An initial version of the configurator shows you what the finished product will look and feel like. Here, we make targeted optimizations.


After implementing your feedback, we incorporate all product variations into the configurator and optimize the user interface.


Before the final go-live, we test the configurator under real conditions on various devices and operating systems to ensure seamless functionality.

1/3 Strauss My Motion
2/3 Mikron MultiX
3/3 Pino Configurator